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This is what I refer to as a self-portrait with a great deal of amusement.  It was created from a photograph taken by my granddaughter in a coffee shop, and painted in multimedia, with incredible amounts of artistic license.  


It is very freeing to paint out your wrinkles, change your hair and eye color, because really, not my eyecolor.  This version was created for an exhibition taking place in March, which is related to how the pandemic is affecting the artist personally. For me, the statement is that I am disappearing into the pandemic.  The painting is titled "Fading Away".  Hopefully it is a bit wistful.  


Shannon Takahashi

Watercolor Artist


Why watercolor? The transparency, the potential glow in a sunset, the lightness and airiness of the medium, and the luminous colors were all a part of what drew me to watercolor as my primary medium.  I am drawn to how the paints work with you to create and direct your vision.  I did not know at the beginning of my journey that watercolor is considered the most difficult medium to work in, but of course I would have chosen it anyway.  


I am a self-taught artist if there is such a thing.  I have benefitted greatly from the generous teaching of YouTube videos, including Steve Mitchell, Maria Raczinska, and many others.  I would be remiss if I did not put at the top of my most helpful list Scott Hubert, who holds a Masters in Fine Art.  He challenges me, sees what I miss, and in general makes me mad because he is usually right.  



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